Thursday, December 13, 2007
PHP / Javascript Obfuscator
I run this script from the linux shell as you see below, stored in to file comp.php. Just "cd" to directory where you have your php or js scripts and run the command. Find will recursively found all the *.php scripts and obfuscate them. Be careful before running the script!!! Always check the path you are in and do a backup copy, otherwise you might end up with a headache or even losing the code.
find . -iname "*.php" -exec php comp.php {} \; find . -iname "*.js" -exec php comp.php {} \;script:
// here document terminator $here_document = "END"; error_reporting(0); if(ereg($argv[0],$argv[1])) exit(); function cleanup($line){ $line = preg_replace('/(^|\s)\/\/(.*)\n/','',$line); // remove line comments // comment $line = preg_replace('/(\t|\r|\n)/','',$line); // remove new lines \n, tabs and \r return $line; } $lines = file($argv[1]); echo $argv[1]." "; echo "lines: ".count($lines)." -> "; foreach ($lines as $line) { if(ereg($here_document,$line) && ereg("<<<",$line)) $out.= cleanup($line)."\n"; else if(ereg("$here_document;",$line)) $out.= "\n".cleanup($line)."\n"; else $out.= trim(cleanup($line))." "; } $out = preg_replace('/(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)/', '', $out); // remove multi-line comments /* */ file_put_contents($argv[1],trim($out)); // store back to file echo count(file($argv[1]))."\n";Source: comp.php.txt